Monday Mixtape was a feature on a very old blog¹ of mine, and I’d like to revive it. And I can think of no better song for our inaugural post than “Whole Wide World.” The original is by Wreckless Eric, and it’s a banger. I first heard this song in the movie “Stranger That Fiction,” which is a masterpiece of storytelling. I love this movie so much, well, I can tell you that 1) the Timex watch in the movie … Continue reading “Whole Wide World – Mixtape Monday”
Dadmetal cover – Surface Pressure
Love that this guy, wearing a “Dadstrength” shirt, does a metal version of “Surface Pressure.” And then he brings in the whole family. This might be the version that Luisa listens to when she goes into her magical room and locks the door. And what would that room look like? According to the Disney Wiki: Luisa’s room is a maze of weights and pulleys. There are ropes to climb, bars to swing across, and a shower to clean herself up. … Continue reading “Dadmetal cover – Surface Pressure”
What We Don’t Talk About When We Don’t Talk About Bruno
I saw recently that the song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from Encanto is a big hit, getting airplay on radio and moving up the Billboard chart. It’s an odd song as a stand-alone, and, to my mind, much inferior to the best song of the movie, “Surface Pressure,” which is beautiful and complex and universal.¹ Without knowing the story of the movie, or reliving it during the song, as a stand-alone vehicle, for me, it feels taste-less (not “tasteless”). … Continue reading “What We Don’t Talk About When We Don’t Talk About Bruno”
The Most Powerful Unknown Search on the Web – Tech Tuesday
File under: Tech Tuesday (Wednesday edition) “What’s the name of that movie with those two guys in it? You know the one I mean.” Searching for a movie by one actor’s credits is a losing proposition. And a lot of times I–or a friend–will know one other actor in a movie we’re thinking about. Or we see a few seconds of a movie, two actors, and wonder what the heck movie is that? That’s just happened as I was watching … Continue reading “The Most Powerful Unknown Search on the Web – Tech Tuesday”
Mortality & the Failing Hard Disc
I knew my computer was dying. The couple of shut-down crashes plus an actual BSOD¹ or two in the past few months let me know things were not going well. Apple famously projects a two-year lifespan for their products. After that, they are out-dated and on their way to becoming obsolete. My banger, which once once been a Vista machine, had been rebirthed as Win7, and had watched 8, 8.1, 10, and now 11 go by. It had been 12 … Continue reading “Mortality & the Failing Hard Disc”
Confession of a Literary Pirate
Jews are an historically stateless people, and so had to invest their time and wealth in that which could be transported without confiscation –education. – David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge, p12. I used to be paid to be a pirate. This was before the Internet as we know it got big. I would get instructions and run all over my university campus to photocopy–with the company-provided copier-card–scholarly articles from any of the specialized libraries. It had to be fast, … Continue reading “Confession of a Literary Pirate”
Chuck Palahniuk’s Fiction List
In his very excellent Consider This: Moments in my Writing Life After which Everything was Different, Chuck Palahniuk offers many many assignments. These are all designed to try to get you (me) the reader/writer to be a better writer. Tucked in way at the back is a list of fiction to read, short novels and short stories. I like those. There’s also a list of non-fiction, but we’ll get to that later. Today, the first of the fiction books arrives … Continue reading “Chuck Palahniuk’s Fiction List”
Kicking Social Media Dopamine
I stopped my Social Media. I forgot where I first read it. Must’ve been one of those “Don’t do this first thing in the morning” posts. or “Avoid this One Thing.” Something like that. And the “one thing” was get on Social Media. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook. Reddit. Imgur. Any of it. These were marked as mind killers. What I had found by my own experience was that if I did get on twitter, or reddit, or whatever, likely from a … Continue reading “Kicking Social Media Dopamine”