This is what an artist does, they keep changing, and keep pushing themselves, keep listening to whatever their inner voices [say]…. Because listening to that, following that curiosity and the muse, and having faith that the people who love your art will follow you, it’s so fucking hard to do. – @briankoppleman, in conversation with David Hause on Koppelman’s excellent podcast, “The Moment”.
About That Cartoonish Version of William Tell Overture…
In Monday’s post, I referred to a very weird version of the William Tell Overture. I knew it sounded “cartoonish”, but I didn’t realize how cartoonish it was. Reader, I found it! It’s from “The Best of Nicktoons”, which is a CD I used to love swiping songs from. It’s collection of songs from Nickelodeon cartoons from the late 90s, both theme songs and songs that were in the cartoons. I think this song, officially titled, “Nick-O-Las Tell Underture” (composed … Continue reading “About That Cartoonish Version of William Tell Overture…”
Tukka Yoot’s Riddim – Monday Mixtape
I’m continuing to go through my tapes from long ago. An especially good one is from just after that big break up I wrote about last time. Unfortunately, it has some obscure stuff on it that even Shazzam can’t figure out, including a very weird version of the William Tell Overture.¹ I loved getting obscure music on those tapes, and now it’s biting me on the butt, when I can’t find it again. One track jumped out at me: “Tukka … Continue reading “Tukka Yoot’s Riddim – Monday Mixtape”
Dirty World – Monday Mixtape
The Art of the Mix I used to make mix tapes. A lot. The “Monday Mixtape” topic is a tribute to that era in my life. I would make them for myself and for others. I’d give them away as a sign I’d been thinking of someone¹. Long after I moved to CDs–still calling them mixtapes, because “mix discs” or “mix cds” just never had the same ring to it–I still gave them away. One memorable dinner with Jeff Knight … Continue reading “Dirty World – Monday Mixtape”