Whole Wide World – Mixtape Monday

Monday Mixtape was a feature on a very old blog¹ of mine, and I’d like to revive it. And I can think of no better song for our inaugural post than “Whole Wide World.”

The original is by Wreckless Eric, and it’s a banger. I first heard this song in the movie “Stranger That Fiction,” which is a masterpiece of storytelling. I love this movie so much, well, I can tell you that 1) the Timex watch in the movie is a great timepiece and 2) they no longer make them.

Will Ferrell sings the song on a random guitar found in Maggie Gyllenhaal’s house. In the biggest nerd fantasy ever, he sings the first couple verses, making Maggie swoon, and they get into a world-class makeout session. The audio switches over to the Wreckless Eric version, jangling out on his guitar in the best of ways, and we cut to the next morning with the two main characters in bed. Aside from this admittedly cheesy scene², it’s a really great movie.

Cage the Elephant does a bangin’ cover, and that’s what we’re spinning today. Go find that love. Go find that thing for which you were put on earth. It’s Monday. Be epic.


¹ Back in my livejournal days, when blogging had an actual community. Livejournal–“lj”–is so old, it’s what Mark Zuckerberg used to document his progress while he built the first iteration of facebook in his Harvard dorm room.

² See for yourself.

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