Love that this guy, wearing a “Dadstrength” shirt, does a metal version of “Surface Pressure.” And then he brings in the whole family. This might be the version that Luisa listens to when she goes into her magical room and locks the door.
And what would that room look like? According to the Disney Wiki:
Luisa’s room is a maze of weights and pulleys. There are ropes to climb, bars to swing across, and a shower to clean herself up. Concept art reveals that her room would have resembled a beach side villa with exercise equipment. Another, had it be a rocky canyon and one had it resemble a boring room with a secret entrance to a theme park.
In other words, her room is similar to all the other Madrigal family’s rooms in that it mainly supports her gift, but then it gets awesome. Hers is the only room that shows her to be multi-dimensional. Not only does she have the gym area where she works on her gift, but she has a whole amusement park attached! Luisa, I love you.
And hey! Why doesn’t Luisa get a love interest?